Rowland Bernal

Rowland Bernal

General Information Name Rowland Bernal OpenOversight ID 24790 Unique Internal Identifier None Department University of California Police Department Race Not Sure Gender Data Missing Birth Year (Age) None (None) First Employment Date 2017-03-08 Found At: Rowland Bernal

Mitchell Levi

Mitchell Levi

General Information Name Mitchell Levi OpenOversight ID 24809 Unique Internal Identifier None Department University of California Police Department Race Not Sure Gender Data Missing Birth Year (Age) None (None) First Employment Date 2014-08-26 Found At: Mitchell Levi

Joey Williams

Joey Williams

General Information Name Joey Williams OpenOversight ID 24834 Unique Internal Identifier None Department University of California Police Department Race Not Sure Gender Data Missing Birth Year (Age) None (None) First Employment Date 2004-01-21 Found At: Joey Williams

Ryan Miyamoto

Ryan Miyamoto

General Information Name Ryan Miyamoto OpenOversight ID 24816 Unique Internal Identifier None Department University of California Police Department Race Not Sure Gender Data Missing Birth Year (Age) None (None) First Employment Date 2017-04-25 Found At: Ryan Miyamoto

Loren Bates

Loren Bates

General Information Name Loren Bates OpenOversight ID 24787 Unique Internal Identifier None Department University of California Police Department Race Not Sure Gender Data Missing Birth Year (Age) None (None) First Employment Date 2017-05-17 Found At: Loren Bates

Cristina Olivet

Cristina Olivet

General Information Name Cristina Olivet OpenOversight ID 24820 Unique Internal Identifier None Department University of California Police Department Race Not Sure Gender Data Missing Birth Year (Age) None (None) First Employment Date 2000-06-05 Found At: Cristina Olivet

Kevin Vincent

Kevin Vincent

General Information Name Kevin Vincent OpenOversight ID 24832 Unique Internal Identifier None Department University of California Police Department Race Not Sure Gender Data Missing Birth Year (Age) None (None) First Employment Date 2005-08-01 Found At: Kevin Vincent

Jonathan Caires

Jonathan Caires

General Information Name Jonathan Caires OpenOversight ID 24793 Unique Internal Identifier None Department University of California Police Department Race Not Sure Gender Data Missing Birth Year (Age) None (None) First Employment Date 2012-03-13 Found At: Jonathan Caires