Portland Police Officer Matthew J. Wells

  1. Portland Police Bureau
  2. MatthewJ. Wells

General Information

Name MatthewJ. Wells OpenOversight ID 1092 Unique Internal Identifier None Department Portland Police Bureau Race Not Sure Gender Male Birth Year (Age) None (None) First Employment Date 2003-03-27

Assignment History

Job Title Badge No. Unit Assignment Date Police Officer 42663 2003-03-27


  • Incident 11-070835

    Date Aug 18, 2011 Time 12:34 AMReport # 11-070835 Department Portland Police Bureau Officers Shaun M.. Sahli, Matthew J. Wells, Craig P. Gervais, David K. Michaelson, Mitchell J.. Coussens Description Portland police officers Mitch Coussens, Craig Gervais, David Michaelson, Matthew Wells, and Shaun Sahli responded to a call for a possible domestic disturbance. The officers received no response at the door, and although they could neither hear nor see a disturbance or similar exigency taking place, after waiting outside for an extended period, they decided to open into, enter, and search the unlocked residence. Inside, the officers confronted a man and woman who were found asleep in bed. The woman was physically removed from the bed and reportedly forced to stand for a time wearing only her underwear. When the male resident was reported to have questioned why the officers were in his residence, resisted being removed from his bed, and was perceived as being angry at the officers for being in his home, Ofc. Sahli and Ofc. Wells used physical force to arrest the man. Officer Wells fired the probes from his conducted electronic weapon (e.g. ‘Taser’) at the man and used a drive-stun technique on him with the device, as the man was forced face down in the bed. After being arrested, the man was later cleared of all charges at trial. The officers and Portland Police Bureau later settled a federal lawsuit brought by the two residents.Click to read more Address SE 20th Ave. near None
    Portland, OR


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