Portland Police Officer Kelly C. VanBlokland

  1. Portland Police Bureau
  2. KellyC. VanBlokland

General Information

Name KellyC. VanBlokland OpenOversight ID 980 Unique Internal Identifier None Department Portland Police Bureau Race Not Sure Gender Male Birth Year (Age) None (None) First Employment Date 1993-12-30

Assignment History

Job Title Badge No. Unit Assignment Date Police Officer 26660 Special Emergency Response Team Unknown Police Officer 26660 Training Division 1993-12-30


  • Incident 2018-681478

    Date Oct 10, 2018 Time 9:11 AMReport # 2018-681478 Department Portland Police Bureau Officers Kelly C. Vanblokland Description VanBlokland shoots and kills Samuel L. Rice during hostage standoffClick to read more Address SE 82nd Avenue near None
    Portland, OR

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